New Brunswick Islamic Center
Faith. Family. Fellowship.
Fajr | Dhuhr | Asr | Maghrib | Isha |
Fajr6:30 | Dhuhr12:30 | Asr3:30 | MaghribOn Time | Isha7:30 |
Juma Prayer | 12:40pm & 1:40pm
News & Updates
Fajr | Dhuhr | Asr | Maghrib | Isha |
Fajr6:30 | Dhuhr12:30 | Asr3:30 | MaghribOn Time | Isha7:30 |
Juma Prayer | 12:40pm & 1:40pm
News & Updates
NBIC’s Suhba invites you to their next upcoming event:
Pathways to Harmony | preparing for future relationships and cultivating strong marriages with Dr. Shadee Elmasry
Join us for an enlightening discussion on best practices for up keeping current and future relationships while diving deeper into better understanding its core values. Chai, snacks, a great time and suhba will be served!
New academic coordinator
Activities: horseback riding, ice skating, art projects, and more!
Sundays 10-1pm
Friday 9/6
A non-profit financial institution developed to empower our community by applying faith-based principles to provide accessible, interest-free financing.
Watch MAUN video here
Let your journey of knowledge begin.
Registration now open!
A brunch dedicated to our Senior NBIC Community Members.